NUSET Lock is open for business during our normal hours and is shipping product to clients

Posted by NUSET LOCK on

NUSET Lock is closely monitoring the recent COVID-19 developments and has a plan in place to respond to prospect and client needs as quickly as possible, and to move product out the door without disruption.
We are taking precautions to prevent the spread by implementing alternative work arrangements and processes for our employees where possible.
One process change that we have put in place is to pause conducting on-site or face-to-face meetings with clients for at least the next 2 weeks (through 3/27/2020 as of now). However, our solutions staff is still available via phone, email, video conferencing, etc., -  and our website ( is always available for inquiries and eCommerce.
Please let us know if you have any questions at all, as we are working hard to meet all of your needs and to maintain the highest level of client service.


Take care,


NUSET Lock Team

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